​​香港鐘錶聯展 / Hong Kong Watch Guild Show

© 2015 Hong Kong Watch Trade Development Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. 香港鐘錶貿易發展有限公司 版權所有 不得轉載

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About us

『Hong Kong Watch Auction Co. Ltd.』was founded in year 2011. The company discontinued its auction business in 2014 and renamed to『Hong Kong Watch Trade Development Co. Ltd.』. However, our passion never stop, we take advantage of the geographic location in Hong Kong and organised the『Hong Kong Watch Guild Show』. The company serve the watch trading community by organising ten to twelve shows a year to provide a relatively  low cost trade platform for traders from around Asia. We have been able to keep up our reputable services and, at the same time, convey the saving to our fellow vendors. With our new company, we continue our passion to promote the watch trade industry in Hong Kong and our goal is to develop an Asia Watch Trade Exchange and attracts traders from around the world.